
~Sponsored~ Charming Lipstick~

I finally received a package from a very cute online shop Bornprettystore
When I was asked to choose a couple of products for Review, I didnt know what to do because all products there look incredibly chic. I opted for two things - it 

5 Colors Portable Delicate Lipstick Gloss Palette


1Pc Three Colored Lip Stick Charming Moisture Gloss 3 Colors

About the last thing I want to tell you today.

Наконец-то я получила посылку от очень милого магазина Bornprettystore. Когда мне предложили выбрать пару продуктов для ревью я не знала, что делать т.к. продукция там вся выглядит безумно шикарно. Я остановила свой выбор на двух вещах - это 

5 Colors Portable Delicate Lipstick Gloss Palette


1Pc Three Colored Lip Stick Charming Moisture Gloss 3 Colors

 О последнем я хочу вам сегодня рассказать. 

I want to say that I am not a fan of different lipsticks and lip glosses. I do not know why, but I just feel discomfort variety of products for the lips, but this time I finally decided to take a chance and chose something unusual. Three-color lipstick!

Хочу сказать, что я не любитель различных помад и блесков. Я не знаю почему, но мне просто доставляют дискомфорт различные продукты для губ, но в этот раз я все-таки решила рискнуть и выбрала нечто необычное. Трехцветную помаду! 

I have not seen the like in local stores, and so I decided to satisfy my curiosity. I thought it will be very bright lipstick and after Review, I would forget about this product. But I was wrong. It was surprisingly natural and gives a soft orange tint to my lips. It looks nice and not vulgar. I also tried a different lipstick edges, it looked just as good and varied.

Я не видела подобного в местных магазинах, и поэтому решила утолить свое любопытство. Я думала, что помада будет очень яркой и я сделав ревью забуду о ней, но она оказалась на удивление естественной и придает нежно оранжевый оттенок губам. Я так же попробовала накрасить губы разными краями помады, это выглядело так же неплохо и разнообразно.


we see a bright lines on my wrist, but it's all  gently mix on the lips and looks very nice 

мы видим ярки полосы на моем запястье, но  они все аккуратно смешиваются на губах и это выглядит очень красиво. 

  I am also very pleased with the package. It looks neat and cute, immediately attracts our attention. The cap is firmly stay on its place, and there is no risk that the lipstick can open up, break down and dirty all around.

Я также очень довольна упаковкой. Она выглядит аккуратной и милой, сразу привлекает наше внимание. Колпачок очень плотно сидит на своем месте, и нет риска, что в сумке помада может открыться, сломаться и запачкать все вокруг

Photos in Stock

I would like to have a full set of  this lipstick.  I'm really impressed with its excellent quality. And its price is very pleasant.  My l-ck #15

If you like lipstick and you want to buy yourself the same one, click Here and  Use my promo code JUH10  to enjoy a 10 percent discount on any product!   

I want to say a big thank you to Bornprettystore for a great product with excellent quality. 

Я хотела бы попробовать всю коллекцию,  я  действительно впечатлена отличным качеством и приятным нежным цветом. Моя помада имеет номер 15.
Если вам понравилось и вы захотите приобрести себе такую же, перейдите по ссылке выше ^^  Так же при вводе промо-кода вы получите 10 процентную скидку на любую продукцию ~  

~About 5 Colors Portable Delicate Lipstick Gloss Palette Soon~

thanks for reading~ see you ~ 

26 комментариев:

  1. They look so fun! Going to check the Store to see what could interest me :B


  2. I love that color, it's so pretty~! I'm following your blog and I'd appreciate it if you followed me back <33


  3. What a cute, unique product! I've never seen a 3 colour lipstick before :o
    I don't blame you feeling curious, because I am feeling it too!
    Thanks for the review :)

  4. cute blog doll, would you like to keep in touch with each other, just let me know. here are my links

    fB facebbok.com/fleuryina
    BG fleuryina.blogspot.de

    kisses and hugs from

  5. That's a "unique" kind of lipstick to have. Hahaha


  6. Looks nice!

    Sarah x

  7. You look really pretty - like a real doll haha! I think this is more like a lip balm than a lipstick though. :)


  8. Looks so lovely! You are stunning. I love born pretty, I am hoping to get some items from them soon!
    Great post/review :) thanks for sharing love.
    xx, H

  9. I'm so obsessed with your site - you are so pretty. And of course, loving the pink!

    Hunni of Tiffanyxoxo.com

  10. Great swatch! You look amazing!

  11. So pretty!! Love the colors on you ^^ and lovely lips, juri~

  12. i've never seen this brand before, but the colors look really good on you!


  13. that lipstick looks so cute! and u look like a real life doll!!!


  14. 3 colored lipstick! it's so cute! never seen them before. And the packaging is really nice. Thank you for sharing :D


  15. You are such a DOLL! Absolutely adoableeee haha
    I wasn't into lippies all that much a while back, but girl, once you venture into the world of lip colors, you never go back ;)


  16. I always wanted to wear blue softlens, but I dont think it match my tan skin :(
    You look good with it! :D



Really thanks for your comments~ your opinion is very important for me. I am happy to visit your blog too~. Have a nice day ~
If you follow me I'd follow you back just say about it! ~


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